Elen was born and raised in Yerevan. Following her university degree at the University College London, she started her career in fast moving consumer goods industry joining Mars Inc. multinational. After 6 years of working on various household petcare brand names under the Mars umbrella, Elen moved to a start-up yoghurt company based in London leading the brand portfolio and delivering double digit growth within a year. Since June 2020, Elen has joined Danone working on world famous water brands like Volvic and Evian, as well as the sustainability agenda across UK and Ireland. Along with her passion for brand building, Elen is also an avid student of personal development and psychology.
During the Artsakh war of 2020 Elen was actively involved in fundraising efforts across multiple platforms and this is when she came contact Varoujan Avedikian hearing him speak about the values and the efforts 1000Plus had. Inspired by Varoujan and his team’s dedication, Elen put together a small team of volunteers to work on various projects, supporting the core team of the foundation in time of crises. She is proud to be a friend of the foundation and will continue to aid in ongoing and future projects.