

A new way to donate: Donations in memory and in honor of

Dear compatriots, 

We are pleased to inform you that from now on you can make donations in memoriam or in honor of your frends and/or family members. 

In memoriam or “in memory” donations are a wonderful way to honor or remember a loved one who’s passed away, while making an important contribution to the Insurance Foundation for Servicemen and thus to the lives of wounded soldiers and military families of Armenia .

Making a donation "in honor of" is an excellent way to celebrate a milestone like a birthday, wedding, graduation or just to show someone you care. When you donate in honor of someone, you have the satisfaction of knowing that your gift not only will please the recipient but will also help the wounded soldiers and military families of Armenia.

When your donation is received,the Foundation promptly sends a beautiful card to the person or family indicated, notifying them of your thoughtful donation.